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Guided Lab: Scaling EC2 instances using Auto-Scale Group (ASG)


EC2 Auto Scaling ensures that you maintain application availability and lets you scale Amazon EC2 capacity up or down automatically according to the conditions you define. This represents horizontal scaling, as opposed to increasing the specifications of a single instance (vertical scaling).


This lab assumes you have experience creating EC2 instances and are familiar with its basic components.

If you find any gaps in your knowledge, consider taking the following labs:

  • Creating an Amazon EC2 instance (Linux)


In this lab, you will:

  • Understand the importance of EC2 Auto Scaling.
  • Learn to set up Launch Templates.
  • Experience the dynamic adjustment of EC2 capacity with Auto Scaling Groups.

Lab Steps

Creating a Launch template

1. Search ‘ec2‘ in the AWS Management Console search bar. Click EC2 on the search results.

2. On the left window, under Instances, select Launch Templates, then click Create launch template.

3. Enter ‘asg-template‘ for the template name and tick the Auto Scaling guidance checkbox.

4. Under Application and OS Images, click the default Amazon Linux AMI.

5. Under the Instance Type section, select t2.micro.

6. Under the Key Pair section, click Create new key pair.

7. Enter ‘asg-demo-key’ for the key pair name and follow the configurations below. Finally, click Create key pair.

8. Under Network settings, follow the configurations shown in the screenshot below.

9. Scroll down to the bottom page and click the Advanced details dropdown menu.

10. Select Enable on the dropdown menu of the Detailed CloudWatch monitoring option.

By default, Amazon EC2 sends metrics to CloudWatch every 5 minutes. This includes metrics like CPU utilization, disk reads/writes, and network packets in/out. For more granular insight, you can opt for detailed monitoring. This captures the same metrics but updates them every 1 minute. In this lab, we’ll use Detailed Monitoring to get quicker feedback, enabling our Auto Scaling Group to scale in/out faster during our tests.

11. On the right window, click the Create launch template button.

Creating an Auto Scaling Group

12. In the Amazon EC2 Console, under the Auto Scaling menu, click Auto Scaling Groups, then click the Create Auto Scaling group button.

13. Enter ‘asg-lab’ into the Auto Scaling group name field.

14. In the Launch template section, choose the ‘asg-template’ that we created in the Creating a Launch template section.

15. In the Network section, select the default VPC in the VPC dropdown menu. From the Availability Zones and subnets dropdown menu, select all the default subnets. Click Next.

16. Scroll down to the bottom of Configure advanced options – optional page, and click Next.

In this lab, we’ll focus on the basics of setting up an Auto Scaling Group. Therefore, we’ll skip the “Configure advanced options” step. Our primary goal is to demonstrate how scaling works without diving into the more intricate configurations.

17. For the Group Size, set the following configurations:

  • Desired Capacity: 2
  • Minimum Capacity: 1
  • Maximum Capacity: 3

We start with a Desired Capacity of 2, meaning that initially, we want two instances up and running. However, as demands shift and the need for resources changes, the ASG can adjust the number of instances. It will always keep at least 1 instance active, which is our Minimum Capacity. However, even during high demand, it won’t spin up more than 3 instances, which is set by Maximum Capacity.

Amazon’s Auto Scaling Groups (ASG) offers the following scaling policies to accommodate a variety of loads:

  • Target tracking scaling – Increase and decrease the current capacity of the group based on an Amazon CloudWatch metric and a target value. It works similarly to the way that your thermostat maintains the temperature of your home—you select a temperature, and the thermostat does the rest.
  • Step scaling – Increase and decrease the current capacity of the group based on a set of scaling adjustments, known as step adjustments, that vary based on the size of the alarm breach.
  • Simple scaling – Increase and decrease the current capacity of the group based on a single scaling adjustment, with a cooldown period between each scaling activity.

18. In the Scaling policies section, we’ll set our choice to None for now and configure a Simple scaling policy later. To skip the succeeding optional steps, click the Skip to review button.

19. Click Create Auto Scaling Group.

20. On the ASG dashboard. Click on the name of your ASG. This will take you to the details page for your Auto Scaling Group.

Configuring the Auto Scaling Group with a Simple Scaling Policy

21. Click on the Automatic scaling tab, then click Create dynamic scaling policy button.

We will set up two distinct scaling policies: one for scaling out and another for scaling in. The scale-out policy is what prompts ASG to add more instances when demands surge, such as during high CPU utilization. Conversely, the scale-in policy reduces the number of instances when demand subsides.

Let’s start by setting up the scale-out policy.

22. Create a scale-out policy by filling out the Scaling Policy fields with the following values.

*Note: We’re setting the seconds before allowing another scaling activity to 0 so ASG can respond immediately for demonstration purposes. In a real-world scenario, you’d typically use a longer cooldown to account for the time it takes an instance to start up and begin handling traffic.

23. Click Create a CloudWatch alarm. This will open a new tab on the CloudWatch Console.

CloudWatch alarms play a pivotal role in the operations of ASGs. They monitor specific metrics, like CPU utilization, and when thresholds are breached, they signal ASG to scale in or out.

For this lab, we’ll be creating two alarms based on CPU utilization: The first alarm will signal ASG to scale out if the CPU usage exceeds 30% over a 1-minute span. Conversely, the second alarm will signal ASG to scale in if the CPU usage dips below 30% for the same duration.

24. On Specify metric and conditions, click the Select metric button.

25. Select EC2.

26. Select By Auto Scaling Group.

27. Enter ‘asg-lab’ into the search field. Toggle the checkbox for CPUUtilization metric. Then, click Select Metric.

28. In the Metric menu, change the Period to 1 minute.

29. In the Conditions menu, fill out the fields with the following configuration values. Then, click Next.

30. Remove Notifications from Configure actions. Then, scroll down and click Next.

31. Enter ‘asg-scale-out-alarm’ for the Alarm name. Click “Next”, then, click “Create alarm”.

32. Go back to the ASG tab. Click the reload icon and select the newly created ‘asg-scale-out-alarm‘ from the dropdown. Then, click “Create”.

To create the scale in policy, follow the instructions between Steps 22 – 32, but with the following changes:

Scale in policy:

CloudWatch alarm condition:

For alarm name, enter ‘asg-scale-in-alarm’

Testing the Scale in Policy

33. Go back to the ASG details page. Click on the Instance Management tab. This area provides insights into the status and health of your instances being managed by ASG. You’ll notice that ASG initially creates two instances. This is because we set the desired capacity to 2.

Since we’ve configured a scale-in policy that removes 1 instance when CPU utilization is below 30 percent within 1 minute, expect the instances to be reduced to 1 after a minute or so.

34. In the Activity tab, you’ll see a notification indicating that the scale-in policy was triggered. Please be patient and wait for this notification to appear. To ensure you’re seeing the most recent updates, consider clicking the refresh icon once in a while. You may also monitor the number of instances in your ASG under the Instance Management tab.

Now let’s test our scale-out policy by simulating a high CPU load using a tool called ‘stress’.

35. SSH into your EC2 instance and run the following commands.

#This updates the package list in your system
sudo yum update -y 
#This installs stress
sudo yum install stress -y
#Spawns 50 workers for 5 minutes
stress --cpu 50 --timeout 5m

36. Monitor the Activity for scaling notifications or check the Instance Management tab to observe changes in the number of instances. Please be patient to wait, as the scaling won’t happen instantaneously.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up and experienced Auto Scaling in action. While we tackled a straightforward scaling scenario, remember there are more advanced scaling policies that cater to dynamic and complex workloads. This was just the starting point, and there’s so much more to explore and learn. Keep up the momentum, and happy scaling!

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