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Home Forums Azure Az 104 – Pratice exams

  • Az 104 – Pratice exams

  • fsantos

    November 15, 2022 at 1:00 am


    What is the difference between :Exam Simulator – AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator

    and AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Practice Exams?


  • Rachelle_TutorialsDojo

    November 15, 2022 at 3:28 pm

    Hello fsantos,

    Thank you for your inquiry. The free 3-month access to Exam Simulators (Exam Simulator – AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator) is for Udemy users, which contains a few additional training modes that are lacking on Udemy. These training modes are (1) Timed Mode, (2) Review Mode, and (3) Bonus Flashcards.

    However, do note that these Exam Simulators are different from the full courses (AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Practice Exams), which contain all of the training modes that are available in the Tutorials Dojo portal, i.e. (1) Timed Mode, (2) Review Mode, and (3) Section/Topic-Based Tests, (4) Final Test, and (5) Bonus Flashcards.

    You can refer to this table of comparison to learn more about the differences between our course on Udemy, the free Exam Simulator in the Tutorials Dojo portal, which are meant for Udemy users, and the full courses: https://ibb.co/khMbMJK

    To clarify, there are 145 unique questions in the AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Practice Exam, and each question contains detailed explanations, references, and cheat sheets.

    • The Timed Mode has 40 questions per set. It simulates the exam environment and trains your mind to answer questions under time pressure. The questions on the Timed Mode can also be found in Review Mode, Section-Based, and Final Tests. It’s just that the questions are presented differently in each mode.
    • Review Mode – allows you to view answers as you go through each question. It randomly generates a full set at every load.
    • Section/Topic-Based – also allows you to view answers as you go through each question and each set contains questions only on a specific domain/topic. There’s also a fixed number of questions here (maximum of 30 questions) and each load of the tests, it just displays the same set of questions in random order.
    • Final Test – randomly pulls questions across all sets to gauge your final exam readiness.
    • Bonus Flashcards – unique visual tools found at the end of the course which will help reinforce the core concepts needed to pass the exam.

    I hope this helps and do check out our FAQ page for more information on the features available on the Tutorials Dojo portal and to help you navigate through the site.


    Rachelle – Customer Support @ Tutorials Dojo

    P.S. Join our Slack group for more tips and insights to help you pass your AWS exam:


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