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Home Forums Azure AZ-104 Review mode Set 4 Q 15

  • AZ-104 Review mode Set 4 Q 15

     MMe updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago 2 Members · 7 Posts
  • MMe

    November 10, 2024 at 7:59 am


    The proposed answer is “Copy the log reports to the data disk”.
    In the explanations, you remind that the previously added data disk was no more attached. However I don’t understand why your solution can be more valid than “Create and attach a new disk” as taking into account that there is no more data disk and therefore to target to copy the data. Can you elaborate ?


  • Nikee-TutorialsDojo

    November 12, 2024 at 9:45 am

    Hello MMe,

    Thank you for posting here. Can you please add the snippet of the question so we can check it further? Thank you once again.


    Nikee @ Tutorials Dojo

  • MMe

    November 13, 2024 at 4:12 am

    Here it is:

    • Nikee-TutorialsDojo

      November 15, 2024 at 3:21 pm

      Hello MMe,

      Thank you for your feedback and for pointing out your concerns. Let me clarify why Create and attach a new disk is more appropriate than Copy the log reports to the data disk.

      When a virtual machine is restored using the “replace existing configuration” option, the state of the VM reverts to the backup snapshot. This restoration affects all changes made after the backup, including any newly added or attached disks. Consequently, the previously added data disk is no longer attached to the VM. Therefore:

      1. Creating and attaching a new disk is essential as the first step to reestablish the environment required for the VM. Without this step, there is no target disk to store or access any log reports.

      2. Copying the log reports to the data disk can only be performed after the disk is successfully reattached or recreated. If the disk no longer exists due to the restoration, copying the log reports becomes irrelevant until the disk is restored.

      Hence, “Create and attach a new disk” takes precedence because it addresses the foundational issue of reestablishing the data disk itself. “Copy the log reports to the data disk” assumes the disk is already available, which is not the case after a full VM restore.

      I hope this explanation clarifies the rationale behind the proposed solution. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or need additional elaboration.


      Nikee @ Tutorials Dojo

      • MMe

        November 15, 2024 at 5:38 pm


        I think there is a misunderstanding of my message. I fully agree with the explanation of your last message which is the reason why I am saying that the answer you present in the tests for that question (“Copy the log reports to the data disk”) is incorrect.


  • MMe

    November 14, 2024 at 1:17 am


    I think there is also an error in the question in the picture.

    According to that Ms page https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-apps/networking?tabs=workload-profiles-env%2Cazure-cli#subnet-address-range-restrictions

    there are some ranges that cannot be used. So Vlan B should not be valid…

    Can you confirm?


    • Nikee-TutorialsDojo

      November 15, 2024 at 3:26 pm

      Hello MMe,

      Thank you for posting here. We have already updated this question, and changes will be made soon.

      Once again, thank you for using our Practice Exam material. If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


      Nikee @ Tutorials Dojo

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