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  • tim-armstrong

    December 30, 2020 at 5:31 am

    I passed today! Felt so good when i saw PASSED on the screen, as I was so sure I had failed. I did proctored exam from home. It was fairly smooth, but they did interrupt several times about me mumbling or covering my mouth with my hand, etc. MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT DISTRACTED BY OTHERS. I cleared out the house which is more difficult these days, but it is a must.

    Extremely difficult but the training videos, labs, associated links provided within the course, and the exam questions really did a great job preparing me to think my way through the questions. I had 4 minutes left when I finished the questions and then started quick review of questions I had marked, but did not make it far.

    I think this was the toughest exam I have taken, but I am a CCNP, not a CCIE. I thought harder than any of the Cisco professional exams I have taken and harder than the AWS SA-A exam. But I honestly think we forget how tough other exams actually were over time, so I digress…

    NOTE: I had two (2) questions on route 53 resolver endpoints and one (1) specifically on applying Transit Gateway architecture for centralized egress. I was not expecting these subjects to be on the exam, but they were. Still nothing on Traffic mirroring for me. As everyone has stated, very very heavy on hybrid architectures with DX. There was also alot of hybrid DNS questions with private/public hosted zones and VPC/on-prem resolution scenarios. know this inside and out.

    My recommendation: The scenario questions get very tricky and complicated so go in understanding the concepts and how to apply. Really spend time on reviewing the answer explanations for the practice exams and then dig deep in AWS FAQ, blogs, videos to get a working understanding of how to apply the knowledge, as the exam will really stretch your understanding. A bit Cliché, but know how and why it works and it will be much easier to apply it to deal with the maze of complicated scenarios the exam offers.

    How I prepared:

    Tutorial Dojo Practice Exams (Jon Bonso) – very detailed explanations

    ACG Adv Net Specialty 2020

    ACG Adv Net Specialty 2019

    Reading forum posts to get additional clarity on common but important topics

    Read lots of the Blog posts and links that were provided by ACG and TD courses (very good and very relevant)

    AWS FAQs (ELB, DX, VPN, EC2, CloudFront, CloudWatch)

    Whitepapers: hybrid-cloud-dns-options-for-vpc, AWS Direct Connect Deep Dive, building-a-scalable-and-secure-multi-vpc-aws-network-infrastructure, hybrid-cloud-dns-options-for-vpc,

    GOOD LUCK!!!


  • TutorialsDojo-Support

    January 1, 2021 at 10:39 am

    Hi Tim,

    Congratulations on garnering your AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty Certification! Thank you for choosing our practice tests. It’s great to know that we were able to help you achieve that sought-after certification. We are really honored to have been part of your AWS journey.

    Also, thank you for sharing some insights about the actual exam. This will help us to further improve our course.

    All the best in your career!


    Jane – Customer Support @ Tutorials Dojo

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