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Home Forums General Discussions how can we store 50kb user data in Dynamo DB?

  • how can we store 50kb user data in Dynamo DB?

  • bhanuC

    March 30, 2021 at 7:01 pm

    you are working as an AWS Developer for a mobile development company. They are currently developing new android and iOS mobile apps and are considering storing the customization data in AWS. This would provide a more uniform cross-platform experience to their users using multiple mobile devices to access the apps. The preference data for each user is estimated to be 50KB in size. Additionally, 3 million customers are expected to use the application on a regular basis, using their social login accounts for easier user authentication.

    How would you design a highly available, cost-effective, scalable, and secure solution to meet the above requirements?

    In above question it says user data is estimated 50 kb, you need to read an item that is larger than 4 KB, DynamoDB will need to consume additional read capacity units. Practice test1 – question.

    • This discussion was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by  bhanuC.
    • This discussion was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by  bhanuC.
  • Carlo-TutorialsDojo

    March 31, 2021 at 11:10 am

    Hello bhanuC,

    Sorry, I didn’t quite get your question.

    If you’re asking whether it’s possible to store 50KB of data in DynamoDB, then the answer is yes.

    “In above question it says user data is estimated 50 kb, you need to read an item that is larger than 4 KB, DynamoDB will need to consume additional read capacity units.”

    >> Yes. in order to read 50KB of data in DynamoDB, you need at least 7 RCUs (eventually consistent), or 13 RCUs (strongly consistent)

    Let me know if this answers your question.



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