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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Developer Associate Issue with question N° 44 (AWS Developer exam °2)

  • Issue with question N° 44 (AWS Developer exam °2)

  • B.Mansour Nizar

    June 6, 2022 at 9:45 pm
    • I suppose that there is an issue with question N° 44 in the second exam of the AWS Developer certification exam.

      In fact, the question is not really clear as it does say that “You were instructed to configure the Elastic Beanstalk environment’s deployment policy to launch new EC2 instances, and then deploy the new version of your application only to these new resources

      What that does means is that I as a developer is getting instructed to configure an Elastic Beansltak with say 3 new EC2 instances and then deploy the new version only to those new resources (meaning again those 3 new EC2 instances).So logically the correct answer must be Immutable and Blue/Green Deployment.

      Can you please rectify the question to make it clearer?



  • Carlo-TutorialsDojo

    June 7, 2022 at 2:26 am

    Hello Mansour,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    “So logically the correct answer must be Immutable and Blue/Green Deployment.”

    >> Sorry if I’m getting it wrong but the given correct answers are actually Immutable and Blue/Green Deployment. Perhaps, there are concerns that you forgot to mention? If so let us know.

    • B.Mansour Nizar

      June 8, 2022 at 1:17 am


      I’m sorry.I was mistaken .I mean the correct answer in my opinion is rolling and All at once.

      This is what I have understood.The question say that a developer were instructed to configure an ElasticBeanstlak to lanch new EC2 instances (say 3 new instances EC1 EC2 and EC3).Now the question said also to deploy the new version only to those new instances (which means the 3 previously created new instances EC1 EC2 and EC3).In that case .The correct answer will be rolling and All At Once.

      • Carlo-TutorialsDojo

        June 8, 2022 at 3:40 am

        You didn’t factor in the existing EB environment. Say we have an EB environment with instances EC2a, EC2b, and EC2c. If you choose to use All-at-once or Rolling w/ batch, the new version will be deployed to those instances (EC2a, EC2b, and EC2c). No new instances are created. Also just to clarify, the developer is tasked to configure the EB’s deployment policy and not to manually add instances to the existing EB environment.

        Let me know if this helps.

  • B.Mansour Nizar

    July 1, 2022 at 12:52 am

    Yes .It’s clear now

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