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Home Forums General Discussions Issues with the refund

  • Issues with the refund

  • sanjay-singh

    January 15, 2023 at 11:49 pm

    I purchased the SAA-C03 video course and practice exam papers from the tutorials dojo on 14th Aug 2023. I requested a refund on the same day and was refunded on the next day ie 15th Jan 2023. The orders page on the tutorials dojo is also displaying the status as “Refunded” as in the screenshot.

    But when I checked the web portal of my account, it looks like the money was not refunded but rather deducted with the exact same amount($22.98) converted to Indian currency(INR) as in the screenshot below –

    I don’t know what is the reason for this, tutorials dojo support is saying that the only transaction processed in my account was the refund but I can certainly see that there has been a withdrawal from my account with the exact same amount.

    I got scammed or what I am not sure but I wasted double the amount of courses and got nothing in my account. Please help me out.

  • Rachelle_TutorialsDojo

    January 17, 2023 at 10:08 am

    Hello Sanjay,

    Thank you for your inquiry. We’ve already sent a message to your email regarding this matter. We believe that what you see on your account dated January 15 is just a pending status for the refund. We recommend waiting a few more days, as it may take 5-10 business days for you to receive the money back.

    I hope this helps and thank you for your understanding.


    Rachelle – Customer Support @ Tutorials Dojo

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