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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Need your help – My technical interview experience as AWS Solution Architect

  • Need your help – My technical interview experience as AWS Solution Architect

  • JN8668

    January 8, 2021 at 9:54 pm

    Hi All,

    Today, I attended a technical interview and here are a questions which I failed to answers honestly and I approaching you to know the how best I can prepare for my future interview. Now I am really afraid if I can really fit for this Solutions Architect Role. 🙁

    Interviewer was most experienced in AWS and Other cloud like you. 🙂

    Here are the questions he asked me.

    1).As a Solution Architect what are your daily activities from Monday to Friday ?

    2).What type of work you do with your customer ?

    3).What are the challenges you faced during your role ?

    4). If your client asked you to move to cloud from their on-premise then what exactly you analyse and how is your approach towards RFP and estimations ?

    5). How you compare your cost estimations for different cloud environments like AWS VS Azure Vs Google etc ? Basically he is expecting from me to know how can I do this estimations for different cloud providers and present it to the customer ?

    6). If you have DEV, TEST, QA and PROD, which instances type can fix for each environments?

    7). When is the connection draining appends ? At instance termination or instance starts ? I answered him that if ELB recognizes that an instance becomes unhealthily, during the deregistration process ELB allows to complete the in-flight requests to avoid any immediate connection terminations.

    8).If an EC2 instance is created at USA(California), how can we access it from India location from Hyderabad for example ? What configurations are required ? I said EC2 Security groups should be configuration to allow SSH via inbound rules. May be I am wrong.

    Thank you very much in advance for your support. I am posting it here for all other people to get benefit out of it.

  • KBO

    January 15, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    Think how you will fulfill these tasks again and again. Like question 5 you can say I will pick an application which we need to migrate to cloud, first I will check what is the current architecture, then I will check the cloud options, check and compare the services in AWS, Google and Azure for reliability…cost. Also, will check other applications which integrate with this one and which provider has better option for hybrid infrastructure.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by  KBO.
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