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  • athresh-sudhindira

    July 11, 2020 at 11:45 am

    Hello All,

    I have successfully passed CSAA C02.

    Dojo tutorials practice test definitely prepares and provides the “Food for thought” for the questions asked in CSAA CO2. However do not expect questions of similar patterns.

    Most of the questions are extremely vague and open-ended – not sure if my exam questions were an exceptions. Always read the questions twice – establish a base-line and then go on to respond to the Qs.

    There will be 10-12 questions that tests on the high-level overview of AWS new services- Such as AWS Data sync, Private link, secrets manager, VPC transit gateway, NAT gateway, different file gateways, lustre, Athena, Glue, – which service being apt for the given context and scenario.

    There will be questions testing in-depth knowledge on EC2- Compute, RDS, EBS- Storage, Autoscaling- different scenarios

    My test paper had very less questions on VPC, security and IAM.

    You can get a very high score, if you are able to intrepret and determine different scenarios where right combination ECS-EBS/RDS-Autoscaling be used.

  • TutorialsDojo-Support

    July 13, 2020 at 8:53 am

    Congratulations on passing the exam! Well done! We at Tutorials Dojo are happy to hear that we prepared you well for the exam. We hope to see you in our other AWS practice test courses. 🙂


    Joy – Customer Support @ Tutorials Dojo

    P.S. Join our Slack group for more tips and insights to help you pass your AWS exam:

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