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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Passed my AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam!

  • Passed my AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam!

  • JayN

    July 30, 2020 at 4:38 pm

    Passed my AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020 exam! Tutorials Dojo material definitely helped me prep for the exam. You won’t get the exact copy or dump from TD but the questions are setup in similar scenario. This will make you prepare well for the exam and it will also highlight the gaps where you need to study more. Completed this exam few hours ago. Thought of posting here while everything is fresh in my mind! There were lot of questions on AWS Secrets Manager, RDS, HA, ELB’s, S3, JSON scripts, WAF, DDOS attacks, AWS Shield, Dynamo DB etc. I got blanked out on few occasions. No#1 tip – don’t spend too much time on a question you are unsure of..”flag” it and come back later. I flagged all the ones which I am unsure of and came back to them once I attempted all the ones which I’m sure of. Especially those JSON scripts, I didn’t had the clear mind to run through the code on first try. Read, read and read the question twice, thrice if required. I had some really lengthy twisted questions which confused me a lot. Flagging them and coming back to them later helped me. Oh yeah, I also gone through acloudguru videos first then TD material. I would say TD practice questions tests you very well. Overall John and team did a fantastic job in preparing the study material. Well done guys!

  • TutorialsDojo-Support

    August 1, 2020 at 10:15 am

    Congratulations and thank you for sharing some insights about the actual exam. We are honored to have been part of your AWS journey and happy to see that we adequately covered the topics you encountered in the exam. All the best on your future certification tests!


    Joy @ Tutorials Dojo

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