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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate question bank overlap question

  • question bank overlap question

  • nathaniel-perrin

    July 31, 2020 at 3:37 am

    I was wondering how the question bank works for the 5 sections.

    After reviewing the below thread “Are all the questions same for timed, review modes?”, it was clear that Timed and Reviewed questions draw from the same pool.

    Is that also the case for the Section, Topic, and Final Test sections? Or are those question banks independent?

    I do not want to focus on a section or topic then come back to a Timed or Final exam and realize I know the questions already. That will only inflate my results and give me a distorted picture of my readiness for the real exam.

    Thanks for weighing in on this.

  • TutorialsDojo-Support

    August 2, 2020 at 1:24 pm

    Hello Nathaniel,

    Thank you for your inquiry. To give more clarification, there’s a total of 390 unique questions in the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams and each question contains detailed explanations, references, and cheat sheets.

    The premium version contains at least five training modes: (1) Timed Mode, (2) Review Mode, (3) Section-Based Tests, (4) Final Test, and (5) Bonus Flashcards.

    The Timed Mode has a fixed number of questions per set (65 questions per set for SAA). The questions on the Timed Mode can also be found in Review Mode, Section-Based, and Final Tests. It’s just that the questions are presented differently in each mode:

    Review Mode – allows you to view answers as you go through each question. There’s a fixed number of questions per set (65 questions per set for SAA) and at every load, it randomly selects and generates a 30-item question set.

    Section/Topic-Based – also allows you to view answers as you go through each question and each set contains questions only on a specific domain/topic. There’s also a fixed number of questions here and each load of the tests here just displays the same set of questions in random order.

    Final Test – randomly generates a full set from the entire question bank

    You can refer to our FAQ page for more information on the Tutorials Dojo Portal:

    Tutorials Dojo Portal FAQs

    I hope this helps. 🙂


    Jane – Customer Support @ Tutorials Dojo

    P.S. Join our Slack group for more tips and insights to help you pass your AWS exam:


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