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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Data Analytics – Specialty Redshift – Elastic Resize doesn’t support change of Node type

  • Redshift – Elastic Resize doesn’t support change of Node type

  • Sourish

    January 11, 2023 at 12:30 am

    26. QUESTION

    Category: DAS – Processing

    A mobile game company is using Amazon Redshift data warehouse with a three-node dense storage cluster to analyze 5TB of user gameplay data. With the recent acquisition of a rising mobile game, the company needs to merge another 3TB of data to the cluster. The data analytics team will run complex queries and heavy analytical workloads on this cluster that will require high I/O performance. The company decided to adjust the cluster to meet these changes.

    Which of the actions should the Data Analysts take to adjust the cluster performance?

    Elastic resize – Use elastic resize to change the node type, number of nodes, or both. If you only change the number of nodes, then queries are temporarily paused and connections are held open if possible. During the resize operation, the cluster is read-only. Typically, elastic resize takes 10–15 minutes. AWS recommends using elastic resize when possible.

    Classic resize – Use classic resize to change the node type, number of nodes, or both. Choose this option when you are resizing to a configuration that isn’t available through elastic resize. An example is to or from a single-node cluster. During the resize operation, the cluster is read-only. Typically, classic resize takes 2 hours–2 days or longer, depending on your data’s size.

    Snapshot and restore with classic resize – To keep your cluster available during a classic resize, you can first make a copy of an existing cluster, then resize the new cluster.

    Therefore, the correct answer for this scenario is: Modify the cluster to use dense compute nodes and scale it using elastic resize to increase performance.

    MY OBSERVATION: Here we have to change the node type from Dense Storage to Dense Compute. But ELASTIC RESIZE doesn’t support the change in Node Type. it’s only possible in Classic Resize. Also in the problem statement, there is nothing mentioned about immediate scaling, so there is no need to bypass Classic Resize because it takes too much time. Please clarify

  • Konstantin Shilovskiy

    January 12, 2023 at 4:52 pm

    I think it does support node type change but has some limitation.
    Here is the official doc https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/mgmt/managing-cluster-operations.html#elastic-resize

  • Carlo-TutorialsDojo

    January 14, 2023 at 1:47 am

    Hello Sourish,

    Elastic resize does supports changing of node types. As what Konstantin has shared, you can read more about it on the following documentation:


    Let me know if this helps.


    Carlo @ Tutorials Dojo

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