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  • Resume Timed Mode

  • Fernando Pelaez

    February 20, 2023 at 4:52 am

    I’m trying to resume a Quiz I left paused and unattended for a couple of days, but when I click the Resume Quiz button nothings happens. I can’t event start over the quiz again. Any ideas how can I solve this ?

  • Rachelle_TutorialsDojo

    February 20, 2023 at 10:47 pm

    Hi Fernando,

    Thank you for your inquiry and apologies for the inconvenience you had with the Pause button. After pausing the exam, do not leave the Pause summary screen unattended for a prolonged period of time. We suggest closing your browser tab after pausing the test. This will keep the time and answers saved in the system.

    It is best practice to exit the course, log off (if you plan to continue the test at a later time), and log in again when the time comes that you want to resume the test.

    To learn more about pausing a test in Timed Mode, visit this FAQ page.

    Please also note that your results, regardless of the mode you are currently in (Timed Mode, Review Mode, Section-Based Mode, and Final Test), will only be recorded once you submit the Quiz.


    Rachelle – Customer Support @ Tutorials Dojo

    P.S. Join our Slack group for more tips and insights to help you pass your AWS exam:

    FAQ – Timed Mode

  • Fernando Pelaez

    February 21, 2023 at 12:08 am

    Thanks for advice, I will do that next time.

    But what about the Test I can’t start again ? One of the Time Mode quiz is blocked and the resume button is not working. Could you guys unblocked that for me ?

    • Rachelle_TutorialsDojo

      February 21, 2023 at 5:48 pm

      Hello Fernando,

      Thanks for the message. Yes, the issue in the Resume Quiz has been fixed, and you can now always click on the “Start Quiz” button to retake the set.

      I hope this helps. 🙂

      Do check out our FAQ page for more information on the features available on the Tutorials Dojo portal and to help you navigate through the site.


      Rachelle – Customer Support @ Tutorials Dojo

      P.S. Join our Slack group for more tips and insights to help you pass your AWS exam:

      Tutorials Dojo Portal FAQs

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