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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Review Mode Set 4 – Question 9 – Poor Quality

  • Review Mode Set 4 – Question 9 – Poor Quality

  • Justin Stewart

    May 25, 2023 at 12:34 am

    I don’t believe that this option should be considered correct: “Integrate Amazon CloudFront to the website to deliver the static media
    assets to the viewers faster. Consider using AWS Compute Optimizer to
    rightsize your fleet of Amazon EC2 instances”

    While CloudFront could be used to improve read times, there is absolutely nothing in the question that talks about any sort of performance issues with the EC2 instances or any sort of notion of optimizing for cost. Therefore, there is not reason to use Compute Optimizer to analyze the fleet.

    To me, the option of “Upgrade the instance type of the RDS MySQL database instance to a larger type” is actually more viable, b/c you specifically indicated that there is a large number of both read AND writes. Neither of the other two options are going to solve for the bumping up performance for writes. Upgrading the instance type will.

    I think this question should be reworked.

  • Kenneth-Samonte-Tutorials-Dojo

    May 29, 2023 at 7:29 pm

    Hi Justin,
    Thanks for the feedback.
    Since the questions are shuffled, your Set 4, Question 9 is different from mine.
    Is this the question you are referring to?

    A legal consulting firm is running a WordPress website on EC2 instances deployed across multiple Availability Zones with a Multi-AZ RDS MySQL database instance. Their website is designed to use an eventual consistency model and performs a high number of read and write operations. There is a growing number of people who are reporting that the website is slow and after checking, the root cause is due to the slow read processing in your database tier.

    Which of the following options would solve this issue? (Select THREE.)

    > I understand that the question indicates high number of read and writes to to the database. However, the main issues identified on the question is the slow read processing in the database tier.
    Therefore, three options are related to increasing read performance.
    – Adding RDS read replicas
    – Adding an Elasticache tier for caching
    – Adding CloudFront for caching of static contents and choosing proper EC2 sizing.
    If there are any static assets in the database, it could be beneficial to de-couple them and have their own caching on CloudFront. As for the EC3 sizes, some small EC2 instance sizes have slower network throughput compared to larger instances. We need to make sure that there is no bottleneck on the EC2 instances to enhance the performance of the web application.

    Hope this helps.

    Let us know if you need further assistance. The Tutorials Dojo team is dedicated to helping you pass your AWS exam!


    Kenneth Samonte @ Tutorials Dojo

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