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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Single choice Q as multi-choice, Answer options changed after tests taken

  • Single choice Q as multi-choice, Answer options changed after tests taken

  • AudreyST

    September 1, 2024 at 5:14 pm

    Category: CSAP – Design Solutions for Organizational Complexity

    A large software company has an on-premises LDAP server and a web application hosted on its VPC in AWS. The solutions architect has established an IPSec VPN connection between the AWS VPC and the company’s on-premises network. The company wants to enable employees to access the web application and other AWS resources using the same corporate account used inside the company network.

    This Q appeared in “Timed Mode Set 3”, “Review Mode Set 3” & “Section-Based – Design Solutions for Organizational Complexity”. It originally appeared as a multi-choice (Select Two) Q when I took the tests on Jul 28, Jul 30 (Review Mode Set 3) & Jul 22 (Section-Based – Design for Organizational Complexity), and the two correction answers were:

    Launch an identity broker that authenticates against LDAP server and then calls STS to get IAM federated user credentials. Configure the web application to call the identity broker that you created to get IAM federated user credentials with access to the appropriate AWS service.

    Configure the web application to authenticate against the on-premises LDAP server and retrieve the name of an IAM role associated with the user. The application then calls the STS to assume that IAM role. The application can use the temporary credentials to access any AWS resource

    On Sep 1, the question came up in “Timed Mode Set 3” and appeared to be a multi-choice Q with a square next to all answer options, without stating (SELECT TWO) like in July. The 2 correct answer options from July are now:

    Create an identity broker that authenticates against the on-premises LDAP server and then calls AWS STS to assume an IAM role, generating temporary AWS security credentials. The employees can use these credentials to access AWS resources.

    Set up a federation between the on-premises LDAP server and AWS IAM. When employees authenticate against the LDAP server, retrieve the name of an IAM role associated with the user. Use AWS STS to assume that IAM role and provide the employees with temporary credentials to access AWS resources

    The answer options all have a square next to them, but the (SELECT TWO) was removed from the question. The answer checker then revealed the question is now a single-choice Q nonetheless inviting multi-choice answers

    🤯 😵‍💫. Never mind the previously correct answer options have now changed/disappeared, but at least the Q should now has a circle next to the answer options to disallow multi-choice answer selection.

  • Neil-TutorialsDojo

    September 2, 2024 at 9:53 am

    Hello AudreyST,

    Good day!

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Please rest assured that we will correct this question promptly to ensure it reflects the appropriate format and content.

    Thank you for your patience and for helping us improve the testing experience. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you notice any other issues or have further feedback.

    Best regards,

    Neil @ Tutorials Dojo

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