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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Developer Associate Traffic splitting instead of blue/green deployment for ElasticBeanstalk

  • Traffic splitting instead of blue/green deployment for ElasticBeanstalk

  • cec

    November 24, 2020 at 9:51 am


    It appears that the flash card about ElasticBeanStalk deployment needs updating: there’s no blue/green deployment in the page below; instead it refers to traffic splitting and canary deployments.

    I hope this helps!

  • Carlo-TutorialsDojo

    November 24, 2020 at 5:40 pm

    Hello cec,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one.

    AWS is always changing, and they have a lot of updates on their service. This change was done on May 19, 2020.

    According to AWS, it will take about 6 months before any new change will be reflected in their exam. We will eventually update the scenario and flashcards when we have confirmed that AWS also updated its exams.

    Let me know if you need further assistance.



  • henry-ts

    February 3, 2021 at 4:49 pm

    Thanks. ya. some of the mock exam questions are also asking to choose between canary and blue-green for elastic beanstalk. I chose for canary and the answer is blue-green.

    It takes me a while to read some docs again to make sure if the understanding is correct. Luckily i see this post in the forum. Since it is over 6 months, probably tutorial dojo should update the correct answer.

    • Carlo-TutorialsDojo

      February 4, 2021 at 12:43 am

      Hello henry-ts,

      Thanks for the feedback.

      We are crafting our practice tests based on our customers’ feedback and our own exam experience as well. The updates that we’re doing are mostly focused on features/services that have more relevance to the actual exam. This is why certain topics are prioritized over others. It is really tricky to balance the amount of factual and relevant information since only the AWS team themselves know which new topics are included in the exam.

      So I’m hoping for your consideration if some new topics were missing out. We will do our best to cover all the important concepts you might encounter.

      We will consider updating this item since it’s has been more than 6 months since the new features were announced.

      Thanks & Regards,


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