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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate C02 or C01 Reply To: C02 or C01

  • Jon-Bonso

    July 7, 2020 at 7:09 am

    Hi Babatunde,

    First off, let me explain the difference between SAA-C01 and SAA-C02 exam versions. The first one is the previous version, which was recently decommissioned by AWS (end of June) while the second one is the new version that was released in March of this year.

    We do NOT mislead people in our product offerings. It is clearly stated in the course page description, and it explains why we have those [SAA-C02] tags in the first place. Our practice tests are clearly meant for SAA-C02 and these tags were only meant for our users who were planning to take the old version.

    It does NOT mean that those items with that previous tag are the only SAA-C02 related questions we have. That’s clearly a misunderstanding. We are a premium provider of high-quality practice tests and we don’t do that kind of thing. It only means that if you are taking the SAA-C01 exam, the previously SAA-C02 tagged questions are irrelevant for your exam prep, because apparently, these are for the newer version. Again, all of our practice tests are geared for the SAA-C02 exam. You will find a lot of new services in our content such as Aurora Serverless, EFA, FSx, and many others that do not show up in the previous SAA-C01 exam.

    I took the official SAA-00, SAA-C01, SAA-C02 Beta, and the actual SAA-C02 exams so I know the difference between these tests. The transition from the old SAA-C00 to SAA-C01 in 2018 has been a huge change, with a lot of new topics introduced. However, this transition from SAA-C01 to SAA-C02 is quite different since there is a considerable amount of overlapped topics between these 2 exams.

    For a period of time, IT professionals around the world can take both versions. This is the reason why we tagged some of the questions/scenarios that are only applicable to SAA-C02 in our practice tests. Once again, there are A LOT of overlap topics between SAA-C01 and SAA-C02, which goes to say that some practice questions that we have in SAA-C01 are STILL applicable for the SAA-C02. I can confirm this because I took both exam versions myself.

    This July, you won’t be able to take the SAA-C01 exam any longer and only the new SAA-C02 version exists. Take note that we have added a lot of new topics that are relevant for the new exam versions, such as FSx, Aurora Serverless, HPC, EFA, and many others. We also removed the obsolete SAA-C01 questions that are not applicable to the SAA-C02 exams anymore.

    Our practice tests are geared towards SAA-C02. If you wish to refund your purchase, you can do so in your My Account page but I stand in my word that our content is highly relevant to the SAA-C02 exam. Once again, the reason why we have these tags a few months ago is just to support our customers who are planning to take the SAA-C01 exam.

    Let us know if you need further assistance. The Tutorials Dojo team is dedicated to help you pass your AWS exam on your first try!


    Jon Bonso @ Tutorials Dojo

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