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Home Forums General Discussions Quiz Not saving results, frustrated Reply To: Quiz Not saving results, frustrated

  • TutorialsDojo-Support

    September 16, 2020 at 12:50 pm

    Hello Nitin,

    Thanks for raising this issue. We’re very sorry to hear that the results page is freezing on your screen. To help us understand and investigate the issue further, could you let us know which browser you were using and if you were continuously on the screen for the entire duration of the test?

    The freezing usually happens when you lose Internet connection during the test or if the screen was left to run without any activity for a prolonged period of time. In that case, you’ll need to refresh/reload the page then login again if you were logged out of the site. If you were working on a test in Timed Mode, you can always go back and resume the test at a later time. This is documented in the Timed Mode FAQ – https://portal.tutorialsdojo.com/faq-timed-mode/.

    We have conducted a few tests on different locations to check if it’s an issue that keeps on happening but so far, all of our tests were successfully completed without encountering a freezing screen. For succeeding attempts, we do recommend closing other tabs, sitting through the test without leaving the screen for a prolonged time, and ensuring that you don’t lose net connection during the duration of the test. Make sure also that you do not leave the site open overnight as this will cause the session to be terminated when you use it the following day.

    Do check out our FAQ page for more information on the features available on the Tutorials Dojo portal and to help you navigate through the site:

    Tutorials Dojo Portal FAQs

    I hope this helps. 🙂

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