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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Cost Control DX Question Reply To: Cost Control DX Question

  • TutorialsDojo-Support

    September 17, 2020 at 1:14 pm

    Hello benjamin,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this item.

    As an addition to what joseph has said.

    Take note that there are questions in the actual AWS exam that are difficult, tricky, and ambiguous. You have to be prepared to look for specific keywords or key phrases in order to find the most suitable answer. This is the style that we are trying to mimic in our practice tests. Some of the questions do not explicitly show the obvious keywords or phrases that will easily point to the answer.

    The question mentioned the word “replace it with a more cost-effective option.” I think that is sufficient to answer the question given the options provided.

    Let us know if you need further assistance. The Tutorials Dojo team is dedicated in helping you pass your AWS exam on your first try!


    Gerome @ TutorialsDojo

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