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Home Forums General Discussions Timed exam pause not working as expected… Reply To: Timed exam pause not working as expected…

  • TutorialsDojo-Support

    January 29, 2021 at 1:36 pm

    Hello Varun,

    Thank you for your inquiry. We’re very sorry to hear that your session keeps on terminating. Our current platform allows our users to re-authenticate sessions after 3 hours of inactivity. If you have not been doing anything on the page for 3 hours, the server will time out your session. This is done for security reasons and to help increase the overall speed of the website. In other words, if you were taking the exam or just simply browsing the site then leave for a prolonged period of time or start browsing other pages, you will need to log in again and create a new session when you come back.

    For succeeding attempts, we do recommend closing other tabs, sitting through the test without leaving the screen for a prolonged time, and ensuring that you don’t lose net connection during the duration of the test. Make sure also that you do not leave the site open overnight as this will cause the session to be terminated when you use it the following day. The best practice is to start a new session before attempting any test, especially the long ones, to ensure that your progress will be saved. Simply reload the site, log in, select the course, and take the test.

    I hope this helps. 🙂


    Jane – Customer Support @ Tutorials Dojo

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