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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Developer Associate I didn´t understand question and its explanation; about identical query params Reply To: I didn´t understand question and its explanation; about identical query params

  • Carlo-TutorialsDojo

    February 22, 2021 at 11:13 am

    Hello Adriana,

    Thanks for posting your question. I apologize for the late response.

    The multi-value header is useful if you want to include a cookie list within the Cookie header as a part of an HTTP request or if you have to parse query parameters with identical keys but different values. Its use case depends on the type of application that you’re building. Retrieving query parameters with the same key value needs additional work. This feature abstracts those work for you.

    ELB is part of the EC2 Console so you have to enable it in the EC2 Console.

    I hope this answers your question. Let me know if you have additional queries.



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