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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Don’t understand wording of this question (AWS vs consumer responsibility) Reply To: Don’t understand wording of this question (AWS vs consumer responsibility)

  • Gerome-TutorialsDojo

    September 16, 2022 at 4:08 pm

    Hi KyleKyleKyle,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this item.

    Since this question have already been asked by other people. I’ll just put our answer here:

    I understand that the wording that AWS uses can be a bit confusing, so I’ll do my best to clarify this for you. According to the AWS Shared Responsibility Model, Inherited Controls are controls which a customer fully inherits from AWS.

    What this means is that things such as physical and environmental controls are managed for you by AWS. You, as the customer, actually inherit the benefit of this AWS responsibility, not the responsibility itself.

    If you check this reference, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/latest/aws-overview/security-and-compliance.html, there is a line that says “As an AWS customer you inherit all the best practices of AWS policies, architecture, and operational processes built to satisfy the requirements of our most security-sensitive customers.” We believe this is what AWS is suggesting for the inherited controls section.

    I hope the explanation has clarified your confusion, and let us know if you have any further questions. Thank you!


    Gerome @ Tutorials Dojo

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