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Home Forums General Discussions Set video lessons on auto play and speed for all the lessons in a course? Reply To: Set video lessons on auto play and speed for all the lessons in a course?

  • Nathan-TutorialsDojo

    July 6, 2023 at 6:16 pm

    Dear Jose and Rohit,

    We are pleased to let you know that we have successfully incorporated the Auto-Play feature that you requested.

    Initially, you are required to play the video for the first time. This interaction is required for the Auto-Play feature to commence.

    Now, when you click on the video player, the video will automatically begin playing. This means that you no longer have to manually press the play button to start watching the video. By simply clicking on the video, you can dive straight into the content.

    Moreover, playing or seeking the video will activate the full-screen mode, allowing the video to expand and fill your entire screen. This provides a more immersive viewing experience, without needing to look for the full-screen button or activate it manually. To toggle the full-screen mode, you can double-click on the video. This will maximize or minimize the video depending on it’s current status.

    In addition, we have implemented a seamless transition between videos. Once the current video ends, the next video in the playlist or queue will automatically start playing. This means that you can enjoy a continuous playback experience, moving from one video to the next smoothly without any need for manual selection or countdown timers.

    We will be adding a settings option soon. This will toggle when the Auto-Play feature will be enabled or disabled.

    We hope you will enjoy this new feature and thank you for your suggestion. If you have any other requests or feedback, please do not hesitate to let us know.


    Nathan @ Tutorials Dojo

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