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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Is anyone from Tutorials Dojo monitoring this forum?? Reply To: Is anyone from Tutorials Dojo monitoring this forum??

  • Tutorials-Dojo

    August 13, 2023 at 8:06 am

    Hi Mike,

    Our sincere apologies for the delayed response to your previous forum posts. Yes, our team monitors the questions posted here, and we have answered all of your past posts today.

    Please take note that your “Set 2, Question 46” is unique to everyone, so it’s better to just post a snippet of the question so we can further discuss the issue more accurately.

    The built-in EC2 automatic recovery has certain restrictions that may not be suitable for certain scenarios. These limitations are the following:

    – It is only supported on certain EC2 instance types

    – Instances that use Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) are not supported

    – Instance with Instance Stores for storage are not supported.

    – You cannot implement customized actions when the instance experiences an outage (unlike the EventBridge-based option, where you’ll have more control)

    These are the several reasons why the use of built-in instance recovery is not recommended.

    Please share the snippet of the question you are referring to (your Set 2, Question 46) so we can further check and revise the item as needed.


    Jon Bonso