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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Incorrect answer on EBS Cold HDD Reply To: Incorrect answer on EBS Cold HDD

  • fernando-6

    January 3, 2024 at 11:33 pm

    Carlo, I said I would stop responding, but I’ll make a final exception. You said you are willing to improve, but fighting this one the way you are, doesn’t really show that. This should be a clear cut, “Yeah, you’re right, we’ll improve the text”.

    Your question ends with, “Which of the following is the MOST cost-effective and throughput-oriented solution that the solutions architect should implement?”. So the two main requirements are:

    • Cost-effective is a subjective term. Generally it means you want something as cheap as possible, but “possible” depends on the requirements. If you’re doing an ML workload, using a T2-micro instance won’t work, regardless of how cheap that might be. So “cost-effective” generally means looking at the options available that fit my requirements, and pick the cheapest one among that.
    • Throughput-oriented, in any normal interpretation, would mean a solution that focus on throughput. So throughput should be a high priority. Cold HDD is literally the lowest throughput option available (tied with gp2). How can anyone possibly say that a “throughput-oriented” solution, is one using the lowest throughput available?

    I’m not telling you you folks need to toss the entire question. That are a couple simple tweaks that would make it correct. One, you could remove the “throuput-oriented” in the last line. Or if you want to keep it there, at least change the option from Cold HDD to Throughput Optimized HDD.

    That’s it. I’m definitely done now.

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