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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Before you purchase, just know that some of these questions could be better.. Reply To: Before you purchase, just know that some of these questions could be better..

  • Carlo-TutorialsDojo

    January 18, 2024 at 6:01 pm

    Hello Lifelong1250,
    Thank you for posting this question.
    Just to give our readers full context on what we’re discussing, here are the given options for this question:

    Option 1 – Retrieve the data using Amazon Glacier Select
    Option 2 –Use Expedited Retrieval to access the financial data. (correct)
    Option 3 – Use Bulk Retrieval to access the financial data.
    Option 4 – Specify a range, or portion, of the financial data archive to retrieve.
    Option 5 – Purchase provisioned retrieval capacity. (correct)

    In this scenario, the key words are:

    • retrieve the required data in under 15 minutes
    • handle up to 150 MB/s of retrieval throughput

    When differentiating between retrieval options, the key metric is usually the access time, not archive size. I understand that there are edge cases, like the one you mentioned, where archives over 250MB may not be retrieved within 5 minutes in Expected retrieval. But in actual AWS exams, these minor details and some edge cases typically aren’t the focus when distinguishing between different options. When we write questions, we do our best to stick to the same style, wording, and format that we see in actual exams. This way, our users will get accustomed to what the real test will be like. With this said, I believe that the scenario we provided contains enough details for one to be able to pick the correct answers.

    Let me know if this answers your question.


    Carlo @ Tutorials Dojo

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