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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Exam result page auto refreshes in browser and the whole page disappears Reply To: Exam result page auto refreshes in browser and the whole page disappears

  • AudreyST

    August 27, 2024 at 6:24 am

    Hi JR, for me the browser (Chrome) auto-refresh issue started to surface from Review Set 4 (Jul 31) & got worse by Review Set 5 in Aug. The result page (showing total & category scores with the questions and answers) that appeared after the quiz session would refresh in the browser after a short period of time even while I was still actively scrolling through the page to review/take notes of the questions and answers. Ouch! 😳

    Back in July, when I took Review mode Set 1, 2 & 3, the result page stayed put while I was on it until I was done & clicked the “Continue” button near the score tally. I imagine quite hard to pinpoint if the browser auto refresh issue was caused by Chrome updates by Google or some specific web portal setting changes by TD, but the Chrome setting that frees up inactive browser tabs should not apply in my case, given the result page tab was active while I was busy scrolling through it.

    Currently, all the previous attempts of quizzes listed in the “Course Progress” section on your portal only displays the questions in each quiz set by category (with sub filters in those 4 categories). Is it possible add a configuration that shows questions in each quiz set in randomized order of the categories similar that shown in the quiz/exam session and on the result page, please?

    Thanks for your time and help.

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