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  • Tutorials-Dojo

    September 6, 2024 at 2:23 pm

    Hi Aiqing,

    We actually replied to your inquiries last September 1. It seems like you have certain remarks here and concerns over why your review was not published.

    Last September 1, we responded to your inquiries and asked for extra information on the issues you experienced. In addition to what our staff member (JR-TutorialsDojo) mentioned, please see below our response to your comments:

    Can’t review past test results, has to start test all over again each time.

    The past test results are already in TWO places:

    My Dashboard page

    My Course page

    Moreover, there’s also an informational GIF image right after every quiz that shows how you can access your past test results, apart from the short instruction page we added. There’s also an FAQ page on the left-

    So on our count, that’s a total of 5 places where you can get the information on how to view your past test results.

    We can definitely add a 6th item to help you see your previous exam results but do take note that you, and almost all of our users, can definitely review your past test results.

    Completed test is finished/completed test regardless the score, why does it have to be passed? It is counter intuitive. If you think it should be passed, you can say it is passed not passed.

    – We do NOT concur that it is counter-intuitive. Most Learning Management Systems(LMS) use this technique to ensure that the learners finish/complete/pass the assessment part of the course before actually tagging the section as completed, and the test scores are used as the basis for this. Even the courses on the official AWS SkillBuilder site also have this configuration of not tagging a lesson as “complete” if the user doesn’t pass the quiz.

    – The AWS certification exams are quite difficult, and one way to increase your chances of passing is to take several practice exams. We do have requests from our users to have this kind of setup to ensure that they have completed AND passed their practice tests before they take the actual exam.

    – We appreciate your feedback, but we won’t change the entire learning strategy because of a single comment like this, especially when the majority of our users are in favor. The goal is to help you pass the exam and not give a false impression that you merely “completed” an exam without actually passing the entire assessment.

    – That false impression of having “completed” the course without passing the practice exams would be a recipe for disaster to most exam takers, especially the ones who are taking the Professional and Specialty level exam so no, we won’t change this system behaviour.

    Timer malfunction and slowness is what I actually experienced when I tried, I did not take the screenshot nor made the note at the time

    Regarding the Timer “Malfunction”:

    – That’s not a malfunction. When you take a Timed-mode exam, we do have a Save/Resume capability which allows you to resume your exam with the remaining time you have in your previous test. You see a trimmed amount of time because you have resumed a previously taken exam with a reduced time so therefore, it is not a malfunction/bug and no issues here.

    Regarding the Slowness:

    – There are many reasons why a site could be slow. It can also be your own Internet connection or a network issue in your region. Of course, it could be on our side as well, which is why we asked you for the time when the sluggish performance occurred and in which quiz.

    – Take note that in a Timed-mode test, the quiz data is loaded in your local browser. So if you see a slow performance on a Timed-mode test, that requires debugging on your local browser as to what’s causing the poor performance, considering that the quiz data is already in your browser.

    Review Not Being Published

    Regarding your review, we do hold the right to unpublish biased and unfair comments/reviews on our platform. Here’s the review you submitted on our SCS-C02 practice exam:

    There are a few issues with the test:

    1. Timing for timed test is not working when I tried.

    2. Can’t review past test results.

    3. Completed tests are not marked as completed.

    4. Site is very slow some times.

    5. Can’t see my own review, why?

    For example, item #1 was actually working based on your user activity. Item #2 is quite ambiguous since you can definitely review your past test results on your My Dashboard and Course pages. As mentioned above, there are 5 places in our portal where you can view your past exam attempts. Item #3 is not even a bug (quizzes must be passed before being tagged as completed) as it is a design of our system that’s the same format with the AWS Skill Builder and other learning platforms. Item #4 has no basis sas you haven’t shared the specific times where it was slow and could also be caused by a myriad of factors.

    Let us know if you need further assistance by creating a new thread in this forum. We have already established that there’s no issue with the platform per se. The Tutorials Dojo team is dedicated to help you pass your AWS exam on your first try!


    Jon Bonso @ Tutorials Dojo

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