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Home Forums General Discussions Course review can’t be approved and show up unless it is good Reply To: Course review can’t be approved and show up unless it is good

  • Tutorials-Dojo

    September 8, 2024 at 12:20 am

    Hi Aiqing,

    We actually responded to your questions in this thread:


    You are claiming that your course review “cannot be approved” and show up unless it is “good“. We take strong allegations like this quite seriously and we are here to debunk your claim.

    First and foremost, this is the review you shared on our AWS Certified Security Specialty SCS-C02 practice exams with 3 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️:

    There are a few issues with the test:

    1. Timing for timed test is not working when I tried.

    2. Can’t review past test results.

    3. Completed tests are not marked as completed.

    4. Site is very slow some times.

    5. Can’t see my own review, because it is only a 3-star instead of 5?

    You are accusing us of blocking user reviews when in fact, you can see several 3 star reviews on the very same SCS-C02 practice exams

    reviewer you’re taking, and even on our other reviewers. This can be proven by going at the bottom part of the course and filtering the reviews by stars:


    There’s even a negative review with 3 stars that says:

    “Team, These Q&As not sufficient at all, there were more questions on amazon detective, route 53 and all were really in depth. Would be great if we can change first Cloudwatch as Eventbridge in all the Q&As, thats how it appears in the exams. You might have to atleast double the Scenario based Q&As. And the exam is super tough even after going the docs, doing demos and reading the cheat sheats. Cleared in second attempt.”

    That’s a bad review on our part but we did publish it, contrary to your claim. This is because the review is honest and it was true that 2 years ago, we don’t have much questions on Amazon Detective, Route 53 DNSSEC and other newer AWS services/features.

    As I said, we have already explained the issues to you on this thread, but it seems that you keep insisting on your opinions despite all our efforts. We hold the right not to publish biased and unfair comments/reviews on our platform, just like what you’ve submitted. Here’s the link again and I’ll share here what we told you days ago:

    Site is unusable

    1. Timing for timed test is not working when I tried.

    The timer for the Timed test is actually working in contrast to what you are claiming. You’re just confused that there’s “Resume Quiz” functionality, which allows you to continue your exam where you left off, which also resumes the remaining time left for the quiz.

    2. Can’t review past test results.

    That’s a false statement. You can definitely review your past test results on your My Dashboard and Course pages. As mentioned above, there are 5 places in our portal where you can view your past exam attempts such as in the Instructional page, FAQ and in the Quiz Result page.

    When confronted, you replied that:

    It should be easily accessible and obvious, if everyone has to read your instruction page to know how to access it, it needs the change then.

    The My Dashboard page is actually just one click away on the left-hand menu, and the course page only takes 2 clicks. These pages are easily accessible and again, there’s a GIF in the Quiz Result page showing you how to access it.

    3. Completed tests are not marked as completed.

    This system behavior is deliberate and not even a bug. The quizzes must be passed before being tagged as completed, as the majority of people will just have a false sense of confidence that they have “completed” the review even though it is not done wholly. That’s also the same format as the AWS Skill Builder and other learning platforms.

    To prove this, you can go to any new course on https://skillbuilder.aws/ and navigate to its Quiz/Assessment part and you will see that the lesson won’t be tagged as completed if you were not able to pass the test.

    4. Site is very slow some times.

    There were incidents back in January and July of slow response times, but that has already been resolved. People can see our public status page to check the latency: status.tutorialsdojo.com

    You haven’t shared the specific times when it was sluggish, and it could also be caused by a cacophony of factors such as your Internet, cloud service provider errors, browser plugins, etc.

    This can also be proven on http://slack.tutorialsdojo.com, where the majority of our users are raising issues at the #general-discussions channel for slow site performance. As I said, there was an issue back in July 24 which was immediately esolved and no user has reported any service degradation after that. Same goes for the month of August and it is now September.

    These are the reasons why we are not yet publishing your course review, as most of your issues have not been proven true, as stated above. Please take note that we practice a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation on our staff.

    Posting a thread like this, portraying us in a bad light even though most of your claims are false and that we have already given all the support/explanation necessary, is something we do not tolerate.


    Jon Bonso @ Tutorials Dojo

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