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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Choosing Between S3 Object Lock and Versioning for Cost-Optimized Reply To: Choosing Between S3 Object Lock and Versioning for Cost-Optimized

  • Nikee-TutorialsDojo

    January 8, 2025 at 8:55 am

    Hello Saar Samoha,

    You’re right that enabling object-level versioning and setting up a lifecycle rule to move files to Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive is an excellent approach for preserving file states while maintaining cost efficiency.

    However, when dealing with regulatory compliance, it’s not just about data retention—it’s also about ensuring that the data cannot be modified or deleted during the retention period. This is where S3 Object Lock in compliance mode becomes essential. It guarantees data immutability, preventing both modification and deletion.

    While your proposed solution addresses versioning and archival needs, integrating S3 Object Lock in compliance mode ensures adherence to stricter compliance regulations, particularly where data integrity and non-repudiation are required.

    It’s also important to note that AWS exam questions often contain subtle nuances or ambiguous language. We adopt This strategy in our practice tests to mirror the exam style.

    So, while the question may not explicitly mention blocking file modifications, regulatory compliance often implies such measures. Adding S3 Object Lock helps ensure the solution fully complies with the necessary standards.

    I hope this clarifies things! Please feel free to reach out if you need any further assistance.


    Nikee @ Tutorials Dojo

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