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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Complexity/challenge level of SA pro quiz questions? Reply To: Complexity/challenge level of SA pro quiz questions?

  • kung

    May 28, 2020 at 9:42 pm

    For the Review mode tests I scored 76%, 90% and 2x 80%.

    Review mode is not my ideal mode, as I drop out of ‘the zone’ all the time, so made some stupid mistakes. I.e. score should be better…and I have some questions/feedback/different opinions on some questions…some forum posts coming up soon (@jon!)

    I however choose this mode first, as I did some timed test from another vendor end of last year (I bought those tests), and there I only scored 65% (due to a lot of detail questions)…this was the trigger for me to do my ‘missing’ associate + security exams first, as this should give me a better basis for the SA pro tests. So I’m curious how much better I will do those other vendor tests in the rerun.

    You might consider to additionally take some questions that you can find online -albeit without proper explanations as done here @ tutorials dojo, and sometimes the right/best option is undecided/no consensus-; I personally find them more difficult.

    Next week I’m planning to do an exam from another vendor, which I heard is more difficult then the real exam, so let’s see how that goes.

    I didn’t book my SA pro exam yet, as I want to have more confidence first in my capabilities. But I also plan todo it next month.


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