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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Moving to placement group Reply To: Moving to placement group

  • TutorialsDojo-Support

    June 12, 2020 at 10:58 pm

    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    You are correct that if you want to add an instance to a placement group, it is recommended to use a single launch request to launch the number of instances you need.

    However, this is a custom controller EC2 which may not be the OS setup (or installed applications) as the instances inside the Placement-group. You will want to lessen your work and don’t want to recreate that custom controller. So you can first try to add it manually to the existing placement group. AWS allows you to move an EC2 to an existing placement group (see link below).

    The chance of getting an insufficient capacity error is not fixed. If it is just one instance, there is a good chance that the current placement group host can accommodate another instance.

    Hope this helps.


    Kenneth Samonte @ Tutorials Dojo

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