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Home Forums General Discussions Portal Issues and Improvements [Suggestion] Slight rewording of question

  • [Suggestion] Slight rewording of question

  • neuton-foo

    December 29, 2020 at 1:56 am

    This is a trivial semantic suggestion.

    In AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams 2021 – Problem Set 1, for the question:

    A company is using Amazon S3 to store frequently accessed data. When an object is created or deleted, the S3 bucket will send an event notification to the Amazon SQS queue. A solutions architect needs to create a solution that will notify the development and operations team about the created or deleted objects.

    Which of the following would satisfy this requirement?

    I think the answer

    “Create an Amazon SNS topic and configure the two Amazon SQS queues to subscribe to the topic. Grant Amazon S3 permission to send notifications to Amazon SNS and update the bucket to use the new SNS topic.”

    should be rephrased to

    “Create an Amazon SNS topic and configure two Amazon SQS queues to subscribe to the SNS topic. Grant Amazon S3 permission to send notifications to Amazon SNS and update the bucket to use the new SNS topic.”

    To keep the wording consistent with the other answer. The “the” before “two Amazon SQS queues” also made me backtrack a bit as I thought I missed something in the question.

  • Gerome-TutorialsDojo

    December 29, 2020 at 9:31 pm

    Hello neuton,

    Thank you for submitting this feedback. We’ll try to polish this item to make it more comprehensible for our students. I appreciate that you also gave a suggestion on how we can reword it better. It will definitely help us improve our content!


    Gerome @ Tutorials Dojo

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