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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Set 1, Question 24 solutions are all incorrect

  • Set 1, Question 24 solutions are all incorrect

  • chris-8

    February 12, 2023 at 12:19 am

    The correct answer in the scenario is also incorrect. The reason being that the process is reactive to the health API and regional outage as stated in the answer here:

    “Set up an SNS topic that will receive published messages from AWS Health API, RDS availability and other events that will trigger the Lambda function to create a cross-region snapshot copy.”

    In the case of such an outage, there is no guarantee that the services that execute the snapshot copy will be available. At best, the application would have to recover using the last snapshot copy which could be up to 1-2 hours old (depending on the timing of whether the previous snapshot copy was successful/not interrupted), which effectively still leaves in the same RPO and risks data loss.

    Ideally the correct answer would be to have the RDS configured to have a read replica in the recovery region that is promoted in the event of the outage.

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