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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Automatic Practice Exam saving (section-based)

  • Automatic Practice Exam saving (section-based)

  • D

    April 3, 2024 at 2:51 am

    When taking the review mode and timed mode practice exams, my computer could shut off and I would not lose my progress outside of maybe the last question or two that I’d answered. In the section-based practice exams like “Design Resilient Architectures” – I keep having to restart when this happens. It’s not saving my progress. Is there anything that can be done to remedy this? It’s been difficult to go through all of the questions at once due to my current situation. I can’t even refresh the page and get the “resume quiz” button.

    • This discussion was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by  D. Reason: it's called a practice exam in some places but a quiz in others
  • Rachelle_TutorialsDojo

    April 12, 2024 at 4:21 pm

    Hello D,

    Thank you for posting here. I received your inquiry via our support email and have already replied. Unfortunately, there is no save feature in the Section-based mode because these tests are relatively short (no more than 30 questions per test) and designed to finish in one sitting, unlike the Timed Mode and the Review mode (65 questions per set), which have the pause or save feature that allows the user to come back at a later time.

    Please also note that your quiz results will only be recorded once you submit the quiz, regardless of the mode you are currently in (Timed Mode, Review Mode, Section-Based Mode, or Final Test).

    Thank you for understanding.


    Rachelle – Customer Support @ Tutorials Dojo

    P.S. Join our Slack group for more tips and insights to help you pass your AWS exam:

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