Tagged: AZ-400, Azure, azuredevops
AZ-400 DevOps Engineer Expert
Hi everyone,
is it planned to create a course for the AZ-400 DevOps Engineer Expert certification?
I think this would be really nice and has a high demand.
Hi AnonJo,
Thanks for reaching out! We’re excited to hear about your interest in the AZ-400 DevOps Engineer Expert certification. We’re actually working on it right now and aim to release the course later this year. Stay tuned for updates!
Irene @Tutorials Dojo
Hi Irene,
thats great, what would be the ETA for the course?
Hi anonjo,
Thank you for your interest! There isn’t a definite release date at the moment, but please stay tuned for updates. Thank you for your patience.
Irene @ Tutorials Dojo
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