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Home Forums General Discussions Bad Experience – Resume Mode Auto submits the test

  • Bad Experience – Resume Mode Auto submits the test


    May 26, 2022 at 7:00 am

    Though the questions are good for practice,

    The time mode test keeps on Auto Submitting if paused, which is very bad experience since we have to restart the whole time mode test of 3 hours.

    Very frustrating and pathetic experience since we cannot judge where we stand in terms of real exam scenario and hugely hampers the practice.

  • Tutorials-Dojo

    May 28, 2022 at 10:46 am


    Thank you for posting your question. However, take note that our Timed Mode test does NOT auto-submit the test when you pause it.

    When you resume a paused test, the button will initially show as “Start Quiz” at first and then it will automatically change to “Resume Quiz” just as shown in the following screencast. This is actually your account and we can resume the Timed Mode Test 4 as verified here:

    I do hope that clarifies your issue. For additional assistance, it is best to reach us on our Support Mailbox at


    Tutorials Dojo Team


    May 29, 2022 at 12:58 am

    Thanks a lot. The demo helps.

    Still there was an issue I encountered for which I am writing down the steps below:

    1. Start a test

    2. Select Answers

    3. Pause the test

    4. keep the page open and come back after some time.

    5. If the session is timedout, I see the results directly on the tests.

    Please refer the screenshot. I have never submitted this test and still it does not allow me to resume it.

  • Cerbie.TutorialsDojo

    May 31, 2022 at 10:32 am

    Hi, We acknowledge your ongoing issue and we are already looking at this. Thank you.

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