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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Failed exam yesterday

  • daniel-jackson

    August 2, 2020 at 12:17 am

    Good afternoon,

    Was wondering if the content on Udemy was the same for the SysOps practice exam or is that an updated version? I took the SysOps yesterday and didn’t do to well. Results haven’t come yet but the questions were way harder than anything I took on the Dojo website. Not saying it didn’t help but man that thing was tough. I’m already re watching Stephanes lectures and wondering again if those questions on Udemy were different. Plan to retake within 2 weeks.

    Main topics: Cloud formation/stacks , SSM, Compliance, S3 Policies, Security groups, VPC.

  • TutorialsDojo-Support

    August 3, 2020 at 10:07 am

    Hello Daniel,

    Thank you for getting our course and we are so sorry that you failed the exam. This a tough exam to beat.

    I highly recommend reading the whitepapers and using the resources mentioned in this study guide that we have carefully created based on our exam experience:

    AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Exam Study Path

    We have the same course content in both the portal and Udemy. You can see the comparison table here: https://ibb.co/X2C4bj0

    Take your time and don’t rush yourself and I’m sure you will progressively increase your scores.

    You can join our slack for more tips and join our #aws-sysops and #aws-devops channels: https://join.slack.com/t/tutorialsdojo/shared_invite/zt-g4thk2zm-xoAFTRF6hg~bLP8a8JaTcw


    Joy @ Tutorials Dojo

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