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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate How do I review the questions after timeout?

  • How do I review the questions after timeout?

  • sagabomb

    May 14, 2021 at 6:18 am


    After I submitted a timed exam, I started reviewing the explanation of every question/correct answer. I haven’t finished reviewing all of the questions and had to work on something else. After my review session timed out and when I went back to the user interface, I was unable to continue my review anymore. The user interface seems to only allow me to redo the exam. Is there any way for me to continue reviewing each question with the correct answer and explanation, without having to do the exam again?



  • TutorialsDojo-Support

    May 14, 2021 at 12:20 pm

    Hello Allen,

    Thank you for your inquiry. All previous attempts can be reviewed by clicking the course from “My Courses”.

    Click “My Courses” at the top menu then select the specific course where you’d like to view your previous attempts.

    Once you’ve clicked the course, you’ll see your course progress by clicking the dropdown arrow as per this screenshot.

    Click the Statistics button to view your detailed results.

    In the Statistics dashboard, you can filter your results by category and by correct/skipped/incorrect answers.

    Detailed explanations of why the options are correct/incorrect are found at the bottom of each question.

    You may also refer to this link.

    I hope this helps.


    Jane – Customer Support @ Tutorials Dojo

    P.S. Join our Slack group for more tips and insights to help you pass your AWS exam:

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