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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate How to study smartly for the AWS -SA Exam?

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  • How to study smartly for the AWS -SA Exam?

  • ishan-sharma

    May 20, 2020 at 6:46 am

    Hey everyone could anyone pls share some tips to study smartly for the exam?

    I gave my first mock and I am at 36%, I have been studying since past 5 months, on and off for the exam, I have also used acloudguru but I am wondering since I have less time and I need to crack AWS SA soon, how can I study smartly and pass the exam. There has to be a way for it.

    I am reading cheatsheets of Tutorial Dojo but I am wondering if I apply 80 20 rule, of focusing on 20% of services that give me 80 of result in a short period of time.

    My time is less as I am an MS student in the US on a college debt which is mounting and I need to get a job soon.

    Also that fact that I am really humbled to see my knowledge increase even if I scored only 36% percent in my first exam.

  • TutorialsDojo-Support

    May 20, 2020 at 9:03 am

    Thank you for getting our course Ishan and don’t worry if you don’t get a good score on your first attempts in our practice tests. Most of our exam passers also scored the same on their first try.

    I highly recommend reading the whitepapers and using the resources mentioned in this study guide that we have carefully created based on our exam experience:


    Take your time in studying and don’t rush yourself and I’m sure you will progressively increase your scores. 🙂


    Joy @ Tutorials Dojo

  • ishan-sharma

    May 21, 2020 at 4:37 am

    Hi Joy,

    I am planning to take AWS SA-01 examination, There must be some services that are coming more than other services in the exam, would you please mind sharing their names to me?

  • Jon-Bonso

    May 21, 2020 at 8:16 am

    Hi Ishan,

    Were you able to read the provided AWS Study Guide for Solutions Architect Associate exam shared by Joy? It has all the information you need, including the list of AWS services that you have to focus on.


    Jon Bonso

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