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  • hawewe

    October 2, 2023 at 3:36 pm

    Hello, why is my review not published? Apparently it is being reviewed for more than 5 days now. Is it because I only gave one star?

  • Tutorials-Dojo

    October 6, 2023 at 6:50 pm

    Hi Hans,

    Thank you for your message. We did see that the bulk of your AZ-104 review on our site happened from September 13 to 26. Sorry to hear that you failed your exam.

    You mentioned in your review that:

    There were only two questions identical to the exam, the rest were very different. Maybe Microsoft updated their catalogue of questions. I used other materials to study, such as Youtube cram sessions as well as the resources on Microsoft’s website.

    When you said “There were only two questions identical to the exam”, it seems that you are expecting that our practice exams are dumps. Please take note that our reviewer does not contain any identical scenarios of the actual AZ-104 (or any Azure or AWS certification exams). We don’t provide any AZ-104 exam dumps nor advertise that we have as such.

    You also mentioned that: “Microsoft updated their catalogue of questions”

    Take note that based on the official Azure certification page, the new updates for the AZ-104 will happen on October 26. That means Microsoft Azure hasn’t made a major change for this certification test.

    Moreover, our practice exam content covered most (if not all) of the services enumerated in the official AZ-104 study guide as shown here:


    Therefore, your claim that “there were only two questions identical ” [or similar] to the actual AZ-104 isn’t entirely true as we have covered most of the topics for the exam based on checking our content and on the list of services/topics on the official AZ-104 study guide.

    You also mentioned that you ” …used other materials to study, such as Youtube cram sessions as well as the resources on Microsoft’s website.”

    The resources you mentioned are actually quite helpful, especially the ones from Microsoft.

    We have the right to hold unfair reviews like this on our portal. Again, our reviewers are not exam dumps and should not be treated as such.


    Tutorials Dojo Team

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