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Home Forums General Discussions Save review test progress?

  • Save review test progress?

  • luke

    May 26, 2020 at 1:54 pm

    Hello – I’ve encountered this issue twice already. In the middle of taking a review test, I’ll either accidentally navigate out of the page or click on the ‘>’ button on the top right of every question. When I hit back, I find that all of my progress for the current review session is lost. It’s been disheartening to already happen to me twice. Just wanted to throw in a suggestion to save progress after each question has been answered

  • TutorialsDojo-Support

    May 27, 2020 at 9:18 am

    Hello Luke,

    Thank you for your inquiry. If you passed a practice test, it will automatically be marked as completed (with a strikethrough in the practice test title ). If you failed a test then your course progress won’t be changed. If you completed and passed all of the practice tests in a section, then that section will be automatically completed and will automatically update the course progress.

    Your progress as well as all your previous attempts can be seen in your “My Dashboard” page. You can check out our FAQ page (https://portal.tutorialsdojo.com/faqs/) and jump to the following sections for more information:

    > Can I save my progress and return at a later time?

    > Where do I see my course progress and previous attempts?

    If you are through with all practice tests of a specific section (e.g. Timed-mode or Review-mode section) but haven’t completed/passed all tests, then you can simply click the “Mark Complete” button to manually update the course progress. We can actually change the system to automatically mark the practice test as completed even if the user hasn’t passed it but we are worried that it may give a false impression that the user is fully prepared even though he/she hasn’t fully passed all the tests.

    Nonetheless, we are constantly improving our portal so we can serve you better. We actually just went live a few months ago and we acknowledge that there are things that we can improve on in our systems.

    Do check out our FAQ page for more information on the features available on the Tutorials Dojo portal and to help you navigate through the site:

    Tutorials Dojo Portal FAQs

    I hope this helps. 🙂


    Joy @ Tutorials Dojo

  • jose-henrique-monteiro

    July 27, 2020 at 5:07 am

    I’ve been running in the same problem here when accidentally doing something out of page break my progression in review mode almost at the end of the session. I think a save button it is very welcome.

    • TutorialsDojo-Support

      July 27, 2020 at 1:34 pm

      Hi Jose,

      Thanks for the message. As of now, the Save & Next button is the feature supported by our website. It is also a security measure that the user actually consents to save the current progress before leaving the practice test.

      Nonetheless, we are constantly improving our portal so we can serve you better. We actually just went live a few months ago and we acknowledge that there are things that we can improve on in our systems.

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