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Home Forums Azure AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Seeking clarification on questions I have with the AZ-104 study guide

  • Seeking clarification on questions I have with the AZ-104 study guide

  • MScifiwriter

    February 8, 2024 at 9:04 am

    Hi Tutorials Dojo forum! I contacted Tutorial Dojo support about questions I have within the AZ-104 study guide. As I’ve been studying the study guide and the Azure Portal to prepare for the AZ-104 exam. Yet there are a number of areas within the Tutorials Dojo study guide that I’m confused about and not understanding. Tutorials Dojo support replied back, recommending that I post my questions here in the public Tutorials Dojo AZ-104 forum.

    I wanted to provide that context, as I have 25 questions that I’d be grateful for clarification with. The questions are as follows:

    On page 26: In the “Service Level Agreement (SLA) section. The bullet point that indicates: “SLAs for multi-region deployments distribute the application in more than one region for high availability and use Azure Traffic Manager for failover if one region fails.”

    How does the “Azure Traffic Manager for failover if one region fails”, how does that fit in with the rest of the “SLA’s” information?

    On page 30: for number 13 that reads as: “If you are having difficulties connecting to a virtual machine, you can try redeploying the VM to move it to a new node in the Azure infrastructure. Don’t worry, all of the existing configurations in the resource will still be there after completing the redeployment.”

    Is the mention of “resource” meant to be implied as the virtual machine, or is that meant to be implied as the resource group? The way I’m reading that, sounds to be the virtual machine, but I wanted to ask on this to make certain.

    At the top of page 33: “Encryption at host – this type of encryption is different from SSE. The encryption of data is provided by the server hosting your virtual machine and the encrypted data flows into the Azure Storage service.”

    The part of the statement that says: “and the encrypted data flows into the Azure Storage service.” That portion reads as though it’s a sentence fragment, what would go after that? Once the encrypted data flows into the Azure Storage service, what comes after that?

    With the chart on page 33, that chart looks to be about the information on that page. Except there isn’t any explanation to connect the chart with the rest of the information on that page. Could someone clarify how the information on the page connects to that chart?

    At the top of page 35: For part iii: “The billing scope for individual subscriptions with pay-as-you-go rates is all eligible subscriptions”.

    This reads as a sentence fragment, that sounds like it’s missing the rest of the sentence. Looking for clarification on this.

    On page 41: With the “Health Monitoring part a: Application Health Extension – pings an HTTP/HTTPs request with a specific path and returns an HTTP status.”

    With the “returns an HTTP status” that sounds as though it’s indicating that the “Application Health Extension” returns the status to the “Application Health Extension”, but this isn’t very clear, so I wanted to ask about this.

    Also does the response return just an HTTP/HTTPS, or does that also include the TCP? As the information I located on Learn.Microsoft.com mentioned TCP as well, but the wording is different, so again I’m hoping for clarification on this as well.

    On page 44: For paragraph 2 regarding the Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Vault “MARS” agent, third sentence, reads: “In order to install the MARS agent and perform backups, you need to have the following.”

    My question is on the “…perform backups…” is this implying to perform backups to the Recovery Services Vault? That’s what the statement appears to be implying, but I just want to confirm, to make certain that I’m understanding this correctly.

    Also on page 44: In the paragraph labelled 3 for “To create a Backup Policy”, the second sentence reads: “You can choose between Azure Virtual Machines or Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers.”

    I’m confused by the phrasing, I looked on the Learn.Microsoft.com site at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/backup/quick-backup-postgresql-database-portal

    But the phrasing there is also confusing. So I’m again hoping that someone might provide further explanation on this.

    On page 51: The paragraph reads: When you already have a Premium tier with more than five slots, you can’t scale it down to a standard tier, because this tier only supports five deployment slots.”

    I think I understand this, but I just want to make certain. Is this saying that in order for a person to downgrade to a standard tier, the person first needs to limit the number of slots they are using down to five slots. So that they are then able to downgrade to a standard tier. Am I understanding this correctly?

    On page 53: The sentence in the following paragraph: “Internal Load Balancer (ILB) ASE – almost identical with External ASE, but the key difference is that ILB can expose ASE-hosted apps with an IP address in your virtual network. The internal endpoint is an internal load balancer.”

    The last sentence, “The internal endpoint is an internal load balancer.”, appears to be a sentence fragment. How does that connect with the rest of that paragraph?

    On page 57: I’m confused as to what the word “that” is referring to in the last sentence of the first paragraph. Is the “that” referring to “microservices” or to “applications”. I’m also uncertain if the “this” is referring to “containers” or to “microservices”. As the sentence reads, “While microservices are an architectural paradigm for developing applications that are composed of small independent services. This enables teams to autonomously build, deploy and grow their services, increasing the speed and agility of the development process.”

    I edited the paragraph and I’d like to know if this is a correct: [Containers, cloud-native, and microservices are all used in modern software development, and software deployment. A container is a standalone executable package, the container itself contains everything needed to run a piece of software; creating an isolated environment for the application to run. Microservices are an architectural paradigm for developing applications; and microservices are composed of small, independent services. Containers with the help of microservices, enables teams to autonomously build, deploy, and grow the services which are required, and which in turn increases the speed and agility of the development process.] Is this a correct? Please let me know.

    On page 66: The last paragraph “Since HPA is for scaling pods, Kubernetes has a cluster autoscaler that adjusts the number of nodes in the node pool based on the requested compute resources. By default, the cluster autoscaler checks the Metrics API every 10 seconds. This is a common practice to combine horizontal pod autoscalers and cluster autoscalers. The former changes the number of pods in response to application demand, while the later changes the number of nodes required to accommodate those additional pods.”

    My confusion is that the very first part of the first sentence, “Since HPA is for scaling pods…” does not appear to connect with the rest of the paragraph. Because aside from a mention about the Horizontal pod autoscaler, halfway through the paragraph. The rest of the paragraph is about the Cluster autoscaler and the way the Cluster Autoscaler works along with the HPA.

    But with the way that very part of the first sentence is phrased, that comes across as though the first sentence is intended as for example: [Since HPA is for scaling pods, Kubernetes has a cluster autoscaler, that adjusts the number of nodes in the node pool to coincide with the way that HPA scales pods.] That’s just my very loose example, of what I think the paragraph is saying. But overall, I’d be grateful for clarification on how the first part of the paragraph ties into the rest of the paragraph.

    On page 69 in the Resource Group section: “You can create a resource group using the Azure Portal, PowerShell, CLI, or an ARM template.”

    With that last portion “…or an ARM template.” The phrasing has this sounding as though the ARM template is just one of the options, but unless I’m mistaken, isn’t the ARM template used in conjunction with those other choices?

    Also on page 69, this one is in the ARM templates section of the page: “When a template is deployed, ARM converts it into REST API operations.”

    The phrase sounds as though the Azure Resource Manager is deploying and converting its own ARM template into the REST API operations. But if that is the situation, then how does the Azure Resource Manager convert its own ARM template. Wouldn’t the ARM template need an exterior force to do the conversion? Or is the Azure Resource Manager similar to a software engine, whereas the Azure Resource Manager template, is the template that connects to ARM engine. And in that sense the ARM template is converted by the ARM “engine” (so-to-speak), that then converts the ARM template to be used for the REST API operation. Overall, I’d again be grateful for clarification on this.

    On page 79: For #2 for “General-purpose v1 accounts” section the sentence reads: “You can use the general-purpose v1 accounts since the General-purpose v2 accounts and Blob storage accounts only supports the Azure Resource Manager deployment model.”

    This sentence has me confused, as although the sentence states that, “the General-purpose v2 accounts and Blob storage accounts only supports the Azure Resource Manager deployment model.” There is no mention of what “general-purpose v1 accounts” supports as an alternative to the Azure Resource Manager deployment model. Or does the “general-purpose v1 accounts” also support the ARM deployment model and that just isn’t stated there? Please clarify.

    On page 83, with the portion for “Number of copies of data maintained on separate nodes”, for the GZRS and RA-GZRS column the phrasing that has me confused is: “Three across separate availability zones in the primary region. Three locally redundant copies in the secondary region.”

    In my attempt to understand what the phrase is saying, I edited the phrase to the following: [With GZRS and with RA-GZRS three copies of the data are maintained on separate nodes in separate Availability Zones AZ in the Primary Region. As well as three locally redundant copies of the data are maintained in separate nodes in the Secondary Region.]

    Is my understanding accurate? Or if I’m incorrect, I’d be grateful for clarification on this.

    On page 85 the second to last paragraph reads: “Object Replication – A source account can have up to two destination accounts. But there can be no more than two source accounts in the destination account.”

    This statement, “A source account can have up to two destination accounts.” Sounds as though its saying that the, source account can be connected to two destination accounts. But I’m confused by the statement, “But there can be no more than two source accounts in the destination account.”. I could really use clarification on this as well.

    On page 89 near the bottom of the page for the “Service SAS” that reads as: “grants access to one Azure storage service (Blob, Queue, Table, Files) using a storage account key.”

    That sounds like the statement is saying that once the “Service SAS” is used for one of those storage services, that the “key” is then connected permanently to that specific storage service. Is my understand of this correct? If not I’d again be grateful for clarification.

    On page 101: In the middle of the page, the paragraph that reads: “On the other hand, a Private DNS allows you to manage and resolve domain names in a virtual network without adding a custom DNS. The records in a private DNS zone are not reachable through the internet and DNS resolution against a private DNS zone is only possible from virtual networks linked to it.”

    The last word of the paragraph the “it”. Is that referring to the “Private DNZ zone”? I ask this as there are several different terms in that paragraph, so I want to make certain I understand what the “it” is referring to.

    On page 106: The statement that reads “Conditional access through Domain join or through Microsoft Intune if co-managed.” I’m uncertain with which part is co-managed? Is this when the Domain join is co-managed or the Hybrid Azure AD joined is co-managed?

    Is this meant as: [Conditional access through Domain joined, as well as through Microsoft Intune, when Domain joined is co-managed by Hybrid Azure AD joined.] Please let me know if this is correct or not. This sounds correct, but I want to make certain.

    On page 116: The paragraph that states that: “The requirement in the scenario is to identify how many alert rules and action groups should be created. Based on the given signal types, you should create four alert rules. Take note that you need to create one alert rule per signal type.”

    My question is with the part, “based on the given signal types, you should create four alert rules. Take note that you need to create one alert rule per signal type.”

    I’m confused with that, as there are two unique signal types, “Metric” and “Activity Log”. Yet the paragraph says that four alert rules are to be created. Is that because each of the two “Metric” signal types, is considered a unique “Signal name”, same with each of the two “Activity Log” Signal types also having unique “Signal name”? Or am I misunderstanding this? I’d again be grateful for clarification on this.

    On page 124 for the: “[Maximum] file size” for “Disk Storage” the portion I’m uncertain about is “Equivalent to the maximum size of your volumes”.

    Which volumes is this referring to? Is this referring to the maximum size of the volumes connected to the virtual machine, or to the overall subscription, or to the resource group that the disk storage is within? Please clarify.

    Also on page 124 for the: “Data accessing” for the “Disk Storage” in that the box the statement reads, “A single virtual machine in a singe AZ”.

    I’m confused on that, so I attempted to rephrase the sentence to this, [With Disk storage the data is accessible per single Virtual Machine VM per single Availability Zone AZ]. Is this correct, or am I still misunderstanding the original statement? Please clarify.

    Additionally on page 124, for the same “data accessing” section in regard to the “Files Storage”, the statement reads, “Share your files either on premises or in the cloud”.

    This sounds as though the statement is saying either that, that the files are only accessible using one or the other and then you are restricted to that choice. Or is it meant as you can access the files using both methods, but only one or the other at a time? Please clarify.

    And my last question is:

    On page 128: For the “Recommended Traffic” category, for both “Load Balancer” and “Traffic Manager”, what is meant by Non-HTTP(S)? Non-HTTP(S) sounds like another way of saying HTTP? Or is Non-HTTP(S) different? I tried searching the web for clarification, but I couldn’t find anything specific. Please clarify.

    Those are the questions I’m seeking clarification with. With those questions, I’ve re-read the AZ-104 study guide numerous times and also done a considerable number of web searches, I have also been practicing through using the Azure Portal itself. Yet I am still uncertain with the above questions, so once more, I’d be grateful for clarification on those questions.

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