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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Upon Completion of Video and HOL

  • Upon Completion of Video and HOL

  • Denzil77777

    March 19, 2024 at 3:54 pm

    I have scheduled for my SAA-C03 exam for 1st week of June 2024.

    Now having, Completed the Video and HOL, may you kindly advise of a best approach to gain knowledge, in prior to taking DOJO Exams?

    I took one test, simply to “test me”. I am reading the answer and explanation by DOJO. I find there are tons of references, referring to AWS documentations, as well as DOJO, and Tutorials Dojo’s AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam Study Guides, and Check out this AWS Lambda Cheat Sheet.

    Book marking these references alone is a task. It’s lots, and lots to read.

    I tried to print, say for example, check out this AWS Lambda Cheat Sheet, pages. But it picks up all the advertisements, etc. If I could print, it would be great, owing to the fact, I am spending lengths of time, seven days a week, at a computer, which stain the eyes too. It would be lovely to sit and read, away from a computer screen. 🙂

    As many has, rightfully, highly recommended the way DOJO is explaining the answers, I too find the way DOJO is technically detailing the Answers with diagrams.

    Your kind advise please.



  • Neil-TutorialsDojo

    March 20, 2024 at 1:54 pm

    Hi Denzil,

    Thanks for reaching out, and congrats on scheduling your SAA-C03 exam.

    Here’s what I suggest since you have 3 more months to prepare and have the basics.

    1. Practice and Review: Test yourself with practice exams and review what you missed. Focus on areas where you need more work. Don’t memorize the questions and answers; learn the concepts. I suggest you aim for all your practice exam scores at least 95% before taking the FINAL TEST of our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams SAA-C03 2024.

    2. Take Breaks and manage your time: Remember to take breaks and do things you enjoy. Balance is key to avoiding burnout. One technique is to use the Pomodoro Technique to manage your time wisely.

    3. Don’t Get Overwhelmed by lots of information. Do it one at a time. The reference in every explanation will help you a lot. Check them. Only take what’s important for that particular scenario. You will get to understand them as you go along.

    4. Explore the AWS Console: Try to simulate the choices in the console. You can do this by going from the specific Services in your account. You don’t need to specifically create or launch anything as this may incur charges. Just by exploring a bit of the service, the scenario, or the options mentioned, you will understand more about how AWS works.

    Hope this helps. Good luck with your studies!

    Neil @ Tutorials Dojo

  • Denzil77777

    March 20, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    Good day to you, Neal,

    Thank you so much for your kind advice, advising me the correct methods to gain knowledge, using DOJO materials.

    I have seen few to many who has passed the exam, taking advantage of DOJO, especially the exams.

    They have stated the usage of Open AI, like ChatGPT, to gain a thorough idea of the differences, between AWS Services. What may you say over that approach?

    I have felt it is important to master the AWS Consol, as you have rightfully stated, too.

    The (personal) issue I am encounting is, how to deal with too much of information? (I need to stop getting lost!!) Perhaps the precise way is to practice and review, read the DOJO links at each answer/Explanation?

    Reference your point 4, I need to practice more here. In the event if I get stuck, to which extent you would extend your technical support?

    Kind Regards,


    • Neil-TutorialsDojo

      March 21, 2024 at 2:12 pm

      Hi Denzil,

      I’m glad you found my advice helpful!

      Using AI like ChatGPT to understand the differences between AWS services can indeed be a useful tool for gaining insights and clarity. But please do not rely too much on ChatGPT. Always cross-check the facts in the AWS Documentation, as it is not perfect. I would recommend using it only as a supplement to your primary study materials, like the resources provided by TD. One tip for using chat is, prompting it to explain it to you in simple terms.

      As for technical support, we’re here to assist you to the best of our abilities. If you encounter difficulties or have questions while practicing, feel free to reach out. Our team is dedicated to helping you succeed in your exam preparation.

      Keep up the good work, and don’t hesitate to ask if you need further assistance!

      Best Regards,
      Neil @ Tutorials Dojo

  • Denzil77777

    March 21, 2024 at 3:23 pm

    Hello Neil,

    Thank you for your kind response.

    I had the same thought and I have disregarded myself taking advice from ChatGPT!!

    Once again, I find the explanations from DOJO, more detailed with DOJO drawings. I have now purchased the ebook related to SAA-C03, and printed.

    Time to sit down and read.:)

    Kind Regards,


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