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Home Forums AWS AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Usage of Principal in a Policy Document for Identity Based Policy

  • Usage of Principal in a Policy Document for Identity Based Policy

  • Vinay Kumar Tadimala

    January 16, 2022 at 12:29 pm

    Hi Jon!

    In Lesson 5, Topic 4: IAM Policy Basics: at 2.28:

    1) ” the Principal is only mandatory if you are creating an Identity Based Policy.”

    2)”If you create a resource based policy , then you must indicate the specific AWS account, IAM user, IAM Role or the Federated User to which you would like to allow or deny access.”

    3)”Take note that you cannot include this element if you are creating an IAM permissions policy to attach to a specific user or role.”

    Are Statements 1 and 3 contradictory?

    I didnt understand, truly sorry if i am wrong. I wanted to understand it better and i started researching the AWS Docs as well.

    Could not find the answer yet.

  • JM-TutorialsDojo

    January 17, 2022 at 10:44 pm

    Hi Vinay.

    Thank you for typing the script of the video course here. We understand that the script in the video course for Identity Based Policy is wrong. The issue has been raised internally and fix will be implemented soon.

    Let us know if you need further assistance. The Tutorials Dojo team is dedicated to help you pass your AWS exam on your first try!

    Best Regards,

    JM @ Tutorials Dojo

    • Piyush Joshi

      July 13, 2023 at 7:35 am

      Hello, I can still see in the video that fix has not been implemented as per @vinay

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