Lab Library Lab Library Note: We will continuously add new labs and services to enhance your learning experience. Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: How to launch an Amazon EC2 Linux instance Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: How to launch an Amazon EC2 Windows instance Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from an EBS-backed EC2 instance Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Vertically scaling an Amazon EC2 instance Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Launching an EC2 Spot instance Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Scaling EC2 instances using Auto-Scale Group (ASG) Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Setting up a Web server on an EC2 instance Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Using EC2 Instance Connect to connect to your Instance Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating Placement Groups – 3 types Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating a Capacity Reservation (Mock) Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Purchasing Reserved Instance (Mock) Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Managing Instance Volumes Using Elastic Block Store (EBS) Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Exploring Instance Metadata Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Launching an EC2 Instance with User Data Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating an AWS Lambda function Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Automated File Processing with S3 Event Notifications and Lambda function Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Setting up a Static Website on Amazon S3 Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating an Amazon S3 bucket Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Retrieving Data using Amazon S3 Select Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Protecting Data on Amazon S3 Against Accidental Delete and Overwrite Using S3 Versioning Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating an Amazon S3 Presigned URL Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating an Amazon RDS database Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Labs: Creating and restoring RDS backups using Snapshots Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Enabling Multi-AZ on Amazon RDS Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating an Amazon DynamoDB table Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Querying a Global Secondary Index Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Querying a Local Secondary Index Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating Your First Application Load Balancer Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating a CloudWatch Alarm Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating your first CloudWatch Dashboard Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Installing and configuring CloudWatch Agent Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Introduction to CloudWatch Logs Insights Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Querying Data with Amazon Athena and AWS Glue Crawler Integration Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Amazon Athena Data Querying and Table Creation Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Introduction to AWS Glue Using Python Shell Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Simplifying ETL Job Creation with AWS Glue Visual ETL Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Getting Started with AWS Glue Workflows Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Invoking Lambda functions through Function URL Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating a NodeJS Function in AWS Lambda Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Aliases and Versions in AWS Lambda Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Using Environment Variables in AWS Lambda Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Processing Amazon CloudWatch Logs with AWS Lambda Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Using Layers in AWS Lambda Functions Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating an AWS Lambda Function to Return an HTML Page Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Setting Amazon Time Sync Service for Amazon EC2 Instance (Linux) Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Setting Amazon Time Sync Service for Amazon EC2 Instance (Windows) Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Integrating Amazon RDS to Amazon EC2 Instance Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Connecting AWS Lambda to Amazon RDS Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Setting Up and Managing a Database on an Amazon EC2 Instance Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: How to install CloudFormation helper scripts on Ubuntu Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Installing WordPress on an Ubuntu EC2 Instance with LEMP Stack Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Amazon EC2 Management Using EventBridge for Scheduled Start/Stop Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Assigning an Elastic IP on Amazon EC2 Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Configuring a NAT Instance for Secure Connectivity Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating Your First Network Load Balancer Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Path-based routing with Application Load Balancer (AWS ALB) Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Creating a Custom Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) from scratch Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Setting up VPC Peering Tutorials-Dojo Start Course 71 Lessons Guided Lab: Security Group VS Network Access Control List Tutorials-Dojo 12